Wellbeing Architecture

what we do

  • Project management
  • Design assessment
  • Environmental viability
  • Legal compliance
  • Architectural and design consulting
  • Engineering consulting
  • Masterplan
  • Regenerative landscape
  • Ecological restitution
  • Natural areas recovery induction
  • Landscape architecture
  • Environmental planning
  • Environmental architecture
  • Analysis and design of interactive data visualizations for decision making (dashboards).
  • Analysis of territorial development.
  • Social listening analytics.
  • Online survey design, execution and analysis.

Have an idea you need to explore ?

Starting a project can be stressful and overwhelming.

You're not sure where to start ?

We can listen and advise you.

Authentic Architecture

Our values are the DNA of our firm and our community.




We invite you to read them, familiarize yourself with them, and let us know if you connect with them as much as we do.


Brand values

Conscious Architecture


Success is conscious growth. Create situations where the company wins, the client and project wins, the community wins, the environment wins.

Authentic Architecture


Be R-E-A-L. Cultivate authentic lives, authentic work, authentic relationships.


Decent work and economical growth. Fair trade, people should be inspired by their work and get fairly compensated.
Sustainable Architecture


Sustainable communities. Contributing to establish better bioregional relations between projects and communities for them to nurture each other.
Climate Action Architecture

Climate Action

Committed to constantly improving our approach and measuring our impact in order to safekeep nature’s integrity.
Wellbeing Architecture


Let’s be the safe/loving place we all look for. Nurture the spiritual, physical and mental elements of the people who work with us and those we serve.


People Matter. Empower people, inspire them to grow in their own way.


Celebrate Together. Celebrate your purpose, celebrate projects, celebrate the mission, celebrate the wins, celebrate and learn from the losses and the mistakes.


environmental policy

Our company undertakes to gradually introduce environmental

criteria into its activities, based on the: 

2030 Agenda of the United Nations.

OCHO Arquitectura Consciente, with the adoption of this environmental policy, commits to:

Continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of our operations.



The establishment and review of environmental objectives and goals, through the annual review process in charge of the top management of the organization.


Establish sustainability metrics to be able to diagnose, quantify and direct the company’s efforts towards practices that are in accordance with our environmental objectives.



Redouble efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.







Provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green areas and public spaces, in particular for women and children, the elderly and people with disabilities.






Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related risks and natural disasters.










Incorporate measures related to climate change in business policies, strategies, and plans.










Promote mechanisms to increase capacity for effective planning and management in relation to climate change.







Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning.







Adopt and implement integrated policies and plans to promote inclusion, efficient use of resources, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and disaster resilience, and develop and implement, in line with the Framework Sendai for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, comprehensive disaster risk management at all levels.
